“For all have sinned and fall short of the glory of God, and are justified by his grace as a gift, through the redemption that is in Christ Jesus, whom God put forward as a propitiation by his blood, to be received by faith.” Romans 3:23-25a
There are some pretty big words in these verses and it can be so easy to just skip over them, but without them the verses are less meaningful. Let’s take a closer look.
The first big word is justified. That means we are declared “not guilty” by God. Another way to look at it is “just as if I’d not sinned.”
The next word is redemption. Another way of thinking about redemption is “paid for.” Think of the five cent redemption fee you pay for the can or bottle your drink comes in. (I’m sure you realize God’s forgiveness is worth way more than five cents). When you return the bottle or can you receive your nickel back. You have redeemed your nickel.
The third big word is propitiation. Propitiation means “paid.” So now, what do we know about these Scriptures?
1. Everyone has sinned and has not lived up to God’s standards.
2. Our sins are paid for by the grace of God and Jesus paid for our sins with his life.
3. We can only receive this payment for our sins by accepting it as a gift.
Let’s look at it this way: We have been walking around unclean and wearing filthy rags. We are dirty and smell pretty bad. Jesus steps on the scene, takes us to a ritzy hotel, hands us a bag with soap, shampoo and new clothes and sends us in for a nice hot shower. When we come out we feel like a new person. That is what we are once we accept Jesus’ gift: a new person with a new start in life.
Take the gift: it’s the best one you will ever receive.
God bless you and keep you. Sandy Ash
There are some pretty big words in these verses and it can be so easy to just skip over them, but without them the verses are less meaningful. Let’s take a closer look.
The first big word is justified. That means we are declared “not guilty” by God. Another way to look at it is “just as if I’d not sinned.”
The next word is redemption. Another way of thinking about redemption is “paid for.” Think of the five cent redemption fee you pay for the can or bottle your drink comes in. (I’m sure you realize God’s forgiveness is worth way more than five cents). When you return the bottle or can you receive your nickel back. You have redeemed your nickel.
The third big word is propitiation. Propitiation means “paid.” So now, what do we know about these Scriptures?
1. Everyone has sinned and has not lived up to God’s standards.
2. Our sins are paid for by the grace of God and Jesus paid for our sins with his life.
3. We can only receive this payment for our sins by accepting it as a gift.
Let’s look at it this way: We have been walking around unclean and wearing filthy rags. We are dirty and smell pretty bad. Jesus steps on the scene, takes us to a ritzy hotel, hands us a bag with soap, shampoo and new clothes and sends us in for a nice hot shower. When we come out we feel like a new person. That is what we are once we accept Jesus’ gift: a new person with a new start in life.
Take the gift: it’s the best one you will ever receive.
God bless you and keep you. Sandy Ash